Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Christian values

The term Christian values historically refers to the values derived from the teachings of Jesus and taught by Christians throughout the history of the religion. The term has various applications and meanings, and specific definitions can vary widely between denominations, geographical locations, and different schools of thought. The terms "Christian values" and "family values" are often used as a euphemism for Familialism by the Christian right. New Testament teaching- The biblical teachings of Jesus include: -Love of God: "You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." (an excerpt from the Shema Deut.6:5), -Matthew 22:37 -Fidelity in marriage: "Whom God has joined together let no man put asunder", derived from -Matthew 19:6 -Renunciation of worldly goods: "Gather not your riches up upon this earth, for there your heart will be also", (Matthew 6:21) -Renunciation of violence: "If a man strikes you on one cheek, turn the other cheek", (Luke 6:29) -Forgiveness of sins: "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us", (Matthew 6:12) -Unconditional love: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". (Luke 6:27-28) Modern use in worldwide right-wing politics- In the 21st century United States, Australia, UK and other countries, the phrases "Christian values" and "family values" are used by Christian right and conservative political groups to describe some or all of the following political stances: -censorship of sexual content, especially in movies and on television. -the desirability of laws against induced abortion -sexual abstinence outside of marriage and abstinence-only education -the promotion of intelligent design to be taught in public schools and colleges as an alternative to evolution. -the desirability of laws against same-sex marriage -support for laws against the acceptance of homosexuality into mainstream society -the desirability of organized prayer in public schools Modern use in worldwide liberal politics- In the 21st century United States, Australia, UK and other countries, the phrases "Christian values" and "family values" are used by liberal political groups to describe some or all of the following political stances: -support for a culture of empathy and compassion, seen as central to Christianity among a diverse range of religions and worldviews; favouring individuals, families (of all compositions) and small communities' interests over the interests of large corporations and the powerful; -protection of the environment as the product of a deep reverence for God's creation; -the undesirability of war other than as a last resort, and a respect for diplomacy (see Swords to ploughshares); -a living wage for all, seen as a mark of concern for the physical welfare of "the least among us" -a high, progressive income tax to promote greater income equality in keeping with Jesus' words in support of the poor and against excessive riches; -promoting Render unto Caesar as an endorsement of secular governance separation of church and state and religious tolerance, consistent with the concept of Christ's kingdom not being "of this world" and warnings against the hunger for potentially corrupting temporal power throughout the Bible.

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