Monday, September 1, 2014

forensic files

So one of my friends thought I would like this show called forensic files. She's right and now I am obsessed with it. Something I don't like is my family thinks they can watch these shows with me. I can't believe my family thinks that. it's my alone time since I get very little with my brothers around (I have 3) and am surrounded by my family constantly. I don't mind at all but some of the material in the show is graphic. one of my favorite parts of the show is when the narrator says, "prosecutors believe" and the narrator says what prosecutors believe is the truth. sometimes it's not the truth and once the person had been incarcerated but was innocent. at the end is where the prosecutors say what they REALLY investigate. they use real techniques. once when mom, Jeff and Hunter were watching it they were talking when it came on. I said, "shut it." that way I could hear what was going on during the show. had it been anything else I wouldn't have cared. since I was watching my show it was annoying to listen to them do that. the thing is I like my "me time". I need it since I'm hardly alone and constantly need it. it also relaxes me since I like cold hard facts and prosecutors show these cold hard facts. I once wrote a paper on forensic files and it was apparently so good my peers thought it was my major. I'm not saying its out of my realm of possibilities for a major. I love forensic science and all the shows that goes along with it. I like forensic science and maybe I'll use those skills in a science lesson since my mom wants me to get a teaching major. some of my friends are watching them as well. they seem to like it. I once put it as my status "forensic science right?" one of my best friends is now hooked as well as I am. my family likes it much to my annoyance. I'm not mad more annoyed since I don't want them to be hooked to the same things I am. they'll occasionally watch them with me. my brother would walk in and ask what the case was. my brother asked me if some criminals who commit heinous crimes should be allowed for a parole hearing. one time I said I was doing a criminal justice class and my former classmate said I was "living the dream." I was like yeah, my ASL dream not a forensic science dream. another former classmate asked if I was still doing forensics. I also said criminal justice holding a JD Robb book to my old English teacher saying what class I had next. another classmate said my essay was really good and that's why they thought it was my major.

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