Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bump into Jackie day

today turned into a bunp into Jackie day. I had some stuff to do and constantly ran into people. Luckily, I was able to get some shopping

Saturday, July 27, 2024


yesterday I was at the Rio area after attempting a shopping trip. I was there to see if a friend from the YSA was okay. He was. I walked around a little bit and then talked with another friend. I grabbed dinner where the friend was working at and asked his coworker got my order, which yes and they smiled at each other as I was embarrassed. as i was leaving he asked if I was going to church on Sunday and I said I'd try

Thursday, July 25, 2024


once at an activity I was in a skirt and crocs and then had to play ultimate Frisbee in said skirt and crocs. that was weird but awesome


I love pizza. I'm making it for dinner since I have it in my freezer and I would like to clean out the freezer. it was on sale too so why not?

Friday, July 19, 2024

Eat my weight in

Once I was on a solo trip to Chinatown in DC, I ate my weight in Chinese food. I loved it. My mom kept asking me to show her or tell her what I was eating since I was in Chinatown and on vacation I needed to eat what I wanted. I ate so much Chinese food and I was happy to have that. When i was about to get sleep my dad called me and asked me about my dinner

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


I have a funny friend. He's suggested that I spell out whatever thought I was thinking which backfired on my friends. It was funny on my side since I know what I was doing. He respects my liking for crazy frog. I love that guy's energy

Double take

Once about a month ago I ran into a friend from the youth parish I go to. I was doing a double take because I was like am I seeing who i am seeing? He probably laughed about it at work since it's pretty funny

Sunday, July 14, 2024


I got a new pet 2 weeks ago. I love my pet scabbers the mouse. He's finally getting around to responding to my commands

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


I'm wondering what my patronus would be. I know what I'd use to make said patronus: my 5k. That was an accomplishment and something thah made me so happy. Although, something that made me super happy was when I signed true crime stuff and scared people who weren't expecting it

Sunday, July 7, 2024


When I was at my brother's party at a Korean BBQ restaurant my family accidentally made a piece of meat on my arm. I'm physically okay but my arm now has a scar from the accident