Sunday, July 28, 2019

Vegetarian books

I've written a few books on vegetarianism and especially how to budget for it and be healthy on it

Saturday, July 27, 2019

dance routine

i did a dance routine last night at game night. it was awesome.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


i should've threatened to breathe all over a dude who made us go into new jersey when were trying to find something stupid he wanted to see


i'm showing around my friends from the GYSA my home ward.


i got back on for about 45 minutes. i love it. i went until my back started hurting

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Raw chocolate

Raw chocolate is chocolate which is produced in a raw or minimally-processed form. It is made from unroasted (sun-dried) cacao beans and cold pressed cacao butter. A variety of crystalline and liquid sweeteners may be used, including: coconut sugar, coconut nectar, xylitol, agave nectar, maple syrup, and stevia. Cane sugar and other highly processed sugars are not used. Dairy products are not added to raw chocolate, therefore it is usually vegan. Soy is also usually avoided – soy lecithin is often used in processed chocolate. It is also naturally gluten-free. It represents a fast-growing segment of the chocolate industry. Raw chocolate has been on the rise in popularity according to the Global Organic Chocolate Market[1]. Starting back in 2017 and continuing on through 2020, it is predicted that the global organic chocolate market will rise 2.38%. Organic chocolate is normally made in small batches. Producing chocolate in small batches allows the chocolate to have more unique qualities which greatly benefits manufacture because they can then price it high. Some of raw chocolates popularity comes from the health benefits it acquires. Raw forms of chocolate contain Vitamins, Antioxidants, and Minerals like Copper, Manganese, Sulfur, Zinc and Niacin. Unlike non-organic and processed chocolates, it does not have chemicals, Pesticides, fillers, and Preservatives. The low-heat or "cold" production process (which avoids roasting) may help to preserve vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals which are naturally present in raw cocoa. Many, if not most, marketers produce chocolate that is certified organic or fairly-traded. Raw chocolate has been promoted on major networks such as Fox News, and appeared on series 13 of popular UK show Dragons' Den. Among the (recognized) brands of raw chocolate are RAW Chocolate, Rawflect, Xocai, Gnosis, and Sacred Chocolate. The cacao tree, also known as Theobroma cacao, is where chocolate is first formed. The chocolate that is harvested from this tree is called the Cocoa bean. These beans are seeds found inside the pods of the cacao tree. The pods have a hard shell that is brightly colored and grows in clusters on the branches of the tree. Pods start as clusters of non-scented, small white flowers; this is a type of flowering cycle is called cocoa Cauliflory. These flowers are grown on the cushioning of the tree, or aged branches. It takes around 4 to 5 months for the cacao pods to fully develop into a 20cm long pod. After several weeks, they ripen into a orange and red coloring. The cacao seeds themselves are small, brown, pebble like beans that are produced inside the cacao pods. On average 20 to 60 seeds are in each pod, and there are 20 to 30 pods produced a year. This plant grows in lowland tropical rain forest environments where shade, humidity, and regular rainfall occur. Places that fit these conditions include West Africa, the Amazon River basin of South America,and Mexico. These trees have a life span around 100 years. The harvesting of cacao pods consists of removing ripe pods from the trunk of the cacao tree to extract the beans from inside.The cacao pods are harvested manually once or twice a year. The harvesters will get the pods down by using a blade. Pods high up in the tree however, require a special type of tool. This tool consist of a long pole with a handle on one end, and a hook on the other. They will push, pull, or twist the tool depending on the positioning of the fruit, to cut the pods down without damaging the branches. It is important not to damage the flower cushioning of the tree; this is what produces flowering for future harvests. Harvesters recommend to open the cacao pod with a wooden club, so the beans inside are not damaged. After the extraction, the beans will begin a fermentation process, and set to dry before reaching the market. There are six main steps in the processing cycle for chocolate. Fermentation, drying and bagging, Winnowing, roasting, grinding, and pressing. Fermentation takes place where the pulp of the cacao bean is turned into a liquid and removed. This leaves only the true chocolate part of the bean left. Drying and bagging is the next phase of the process where the wet cacao beans are set out in the sun to dry. They are then packed and sent out to factories for close inspection. Winnowing is where the dried beans are split by air that separates the shell from the nib. Roasting occurs when the beans are cooked in an oven around 105 to 120 degrees Celsius. After this process the beans are much dark and richer. Grinding takes place when the beans are liquefied. This is the base for all chocolate products. The last step of the process cycle is pressing. This is when the beans are mechanically pressed down to extract more of the Cocoa butter. After this process the raw chocolate bars are formed and ready for markets. History of raw chocolate use dates back three to four millennia and even traces have been found in artifacts that go back to 1400 B.C.E. These artifacts were found in topical regions where cacao trees still grow today. The first recipe cacao beans were used for was created by the Aztecs; this was called xocoatl. This was a drink that was first used in the 1600's by the leader of Aztec when welcoming Hernán Cortés, a spanish explorer. The chocolate drinks were known to be very bitter, so people started to put honey in it as a sweetener. After this discovery of sweetened chocolate, it took off in Spain. The drink was considered a delicacy for the rich, but later in the 1700's it became more common. This is where the idea of raw chocolate came from. The latin term Theobroma cacao is translated to "Food of the Gods". The Aztecs and Maya placed cacao beans at very high value, and where known to have divine properties. They were valued as money and would use them to get Resources they needed. One bean could buy a tamale, where as one hundred beans could buy a chicken. They would also use these beans at events such as births, weddings, and deaths. In the 1800's as chocolate grew in popularity, powdered chocolate was discovered by a Dutch chemist. Later in the 18th century milk chocolate was produced.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


my class looked like we could be a flag because of the colors we had on

cooking and sewing classes

my cooking and sewing classes are awesome. i love them both. both are useful and fun. I'm collecting all the recipes for my family for vacation.

Morgan's Corner murder

Morgan's Corner murder was committed by two escaped convicts James Majors and John Palakiko in Nuuanu Valley on the outskirts of Honolulu when they burglarized the home of Therese Wilder March 11, 1948 and left her bound and gagged, which caused her to suffocate. Morgan's Corner: At the time of the murder the area was a semirural rainforest. Morgan's Corner is a bend on Nuuanu Pali Drive that connected Honolulu to Kāneʻohe before it was superseded by Hawaii Route 61. The bend is after a hairpin turn from the Honolulu side of the bend. Morgan's Corner became referred to as a "corner" because the bend curves the road perpendicularly so that from Honolulu one enters the bend from the north and exits to the east or from Kāneʻohe one enters the bend from the east and exits to the north. The namesake came from Dr. James Morgan who built his villa on the inside of the bend in the 1920s. Opposite Morgan, Wilder's house was south of the bend. The Murder: Petty criminals James Majors (20) and John Palakiko (21) escaped a prison work crew March 10, 1948. The next day they intended to get supplies by burglarizing a neighbor of Therese Wilder (68), widow of William Wilder. The pair were hungry and when they smelled Wilder's cooking they decided to rob her instead. The two men attacked, bound, and gagged Wilder, then left her on her bed. During the struggle Wilder had her jaw broken, when she was gagged with her broken jaw it caused her to suffocate. Five days later on March 16 Wilder's gardener Isabelo Escalante and maid Miya Matayoshi found her body. Outcomes: On March 12 the pair attempted to steal a car, Palakiko was captured and Majors escaped. On March 21 Majors was caught attempting suicide by drinking iodine. Majors had his stomach pumped and was hospitalized. On April 16 James Majors and John Palakiko were charged with first-degree murder in the court of Judge Carrick Buck. Majors pleaded not guilty and Palakiko requested to postpone his plea. On June 18 the jury found the men guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced them to death by hanging. On September 13, 1951 Governor Oren Long issued a stay of execution two minutes before the execution when attorneys presented evidence the men gave forced confessions. In 1954 Governor Samuel King commuted the men's sentences from death to 90 years in prison. On December 21, 1962 Governor John Burns commuted the men's sentences to probation. Palakiko violated parole and was sent to prison for three years where he died on September 11, 1974 at age 46. On December 20, 1968 Majors completed parole. He moved from Oahu to Maui in 1978 or later, where he spent the rest of his life until his death by natural causes in 2009.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Fixed things

I can fix torn things now. My sewing skills are up to par to fix things


I went to the temple yesterday. That was fun and awesome. I was asked if I liked being here and the answer is yes


I've had so many trips in the last month. I've been to Busch gardens in Virginia, then 2 days later I went to Kirtland Ohio with a singles branch, which turned into this crazy thing and then yesterday I went to Philadelphia for a temple trip

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Albert Johnson (criminal)

Albert Johnson, also known as the Mad Trapper of Rat River, was a fugitive whose actions stemming from a trapping dispute eventually sparked off a huge manhunt in the Northwest Territories and Yukon in Northern Canada. The event became a media circus as Johnson eluded the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) team sent to take him into custody, which ended after a 150 mi foot chase lasting more than a month and a shootout in which Johnson was fatally wounded on the Eagle River, Yukon. Albert Johnson was a pseudonym and his true identity remains unknown. Attack on police: Albert Johnson arrived in Fort McPherson after coming down the Peel River on July 9, 1931. He was questioned by RCMP constable Edgar Millen, but provided little information. Millen thought he had a Scandinavian accent, generally kept himself clean shaven, and seemed to have plenty of money for supplies. After venturing the waterways in a native-built raft to the Mackenzie River delta, he built a small 8 ft × 10 ft (2.4 m × 3.0 m) cabin on the banks of the Rat River. Johnson had not acquired a trapping license, which was considered odd for someone living in the bush. At that time many northern native traditional trapping areas were being invaded by outsiders fleeing the Great Depression and some complaints may have been intended to remove him. In December, one of the native trappers complained to the local RCMP detachment in Aklavik that someone was tampering with his traps, tripping them and hanging them on the trees. He identified Johnson as the likely culprit. On December 26, Constable Alfred King and Special Constable Joe Bernard, each of whom had considerable northern experience, trekked the 60 miles (97 km) to Johnson's cabin to ask him about the allegations. Seeing smoke coming from the chimney, they approached the hut to talk. Johnson refused to talk to them however, seeming to not even notice them. King looked into the cabin window, at which point Johnson placed a sack across it. The two constables eventually decided to return to Aklavik and get a search warrant. King and Bernard returned five days later with two other men. Johnson again refused to talk and eventually King decided to enforce the warrant and force the door. As soon as he began, Johnson shot him through the wooden door. A brief firefight broke out, and the team managed to return the wounded King to Aklavik where he eventually recovered. Manhunt: A posse was then formed consisting of nine men, 42 dogs and 20 lb (9.1 kg) of dynamite which they intended to use to blast Johnson out of the cabin if necessary. After surrounding the cabin they thawed the dynamite inside their coats, eventually building a single charge and tossing it into the cabin. After the explosion collapsed the building, the men tried to rush in. Johnson opened fire from a five-foot dugout beneath the ruins. No one was hit, and after a 15-hour standoff (ending at 4:00 A.M.) in the −40 °C (−40 °F) weather, the posse retreated to Aklavik for further assistance. y this point, the news had filtered out to the rest of the world via radio. After being delayed because of blizzard conditions, the reinforced posse returned on January 14 to find that Johnson had left the cabin and they struck out after him. Eventually, they caught up with him on January 30, surrounding him in a thicket. In the ensuing firefight, Johnson shot Constable Edgar Millen through the heart, killing him. Millen was later to have a tributary of the Rat River, Millen Creek, named for him. A memorial is located in the area. Once again they fell into retreat. The posse continued to grow, enlisting local Inuvialuit and Gwich'in who were better able to move in the back country. Johnson had clearly decided to leave for the Yukon, but the RCMP blocked the only two passes over the Richardson Mountains. That did not stop Johnson, who climbed a 7,000 ft (2,100 m) peak and once again disappeared. In desperation, the RCMP hired a leading post-war aviator named Wilfrid "Wop" May of Canadian Airways to help in the hunt by scouting the area from the air. He arrived in the new ski-equipped Bellanca monoplane on February 5. May discovered that Johnson had crossed the Richardson Mountains when the airplane saw his tracks on the far side of the range. On February 14, he discovered the tactics Johnson had been using to elude his followers. He noticed a set of footprints leading off the centre of the frozen surface of the Eagle River to the bank. Johnson had been following the caribou tracks in the middle of the river, where they walked in order to give them better visibility of approaching predators. Walking in their tracks had hidden his footprints and allowed him to travel quickly on the compacted snow without having to use his snowshoes. He left the trail only at night to make camp on the river bank, which is the track May had spotted. May radioed back his findings and the RCMP gave chase up the river, eventually being directed to Johnson by February 17. Death: The pursuit team rounded a bend in the river to find Johnson only a few hundred yards ahead, standing in front of them. Johnson attempted to run for the bank, but did not have his snowshoes on and could not make it. A firefight broke out in which one RCMP officer was seriously wounded and Johnson was killed after being shot in the left side of the pelvis at an acute angle. It is believed that the bullet passed through vital tissues, bowels, and main arteries, which led to his death. May landed the plane, picked up the injured officer and flew him to help for which he was credited with saving his life. After Johnson's death, RCMP officials realized that he had travelled over 137 km (85 mi) away from his cabin in 33 days, burning approximately 42 MJ (10,000 kcal) a day in the cold weather and hostile terrain. Seventy-five years later in 2007, forensics teams found that his tailbone was not actually symmetrical, causing his spine to curve left and right slightly. In addition, one foot was longer than the other. An examination of Johnson's body yielded over $2,000 in both American and Canadian currency as well as some gold, a pocket compass, a razor, a knife, fish hooks, nails, a dead squirrel, a dead bird, a large quantity of Beecham's Pills and teeth with gold fillings that were believed to be his. During the entire chase, the Mounties had never heard Johnson utter a single word. The only thing they heard was Johnson's laugh after he shot Constable Edgar Millen. To this day people debate who he was, why he moved to the Arctic, or if he was actually responsible for interfering with the trap lines as alleged. Identity: The RCMP issued a series of photographs and sent them throughout Canada and the United States in an unsuccessful effort to learn his real identity, which has never been definitively established. In the 1930s the initial investigation about the identity of Albert Johnson primarily focused on an obscure individual named Arthur Nelson. Details of Nelson's life are recorded by Yukon researcher and author Richard North. Nelson apparently travelled from Dease Lake, British Columbia up into the Yukon in the 1927 to 1931 period. He had similar guns (a Savage Model 99, a .30-30 Winchester calibre lever action rifle and a .22 Long Rifle) as Albert Johnson. Nelson is also remembered by Kaska Dena elders Art John Sr. and others who knew him by the alias "Mickey Nelson" when he trapped and prospected in west central Yukon; Ross River region. Yukon author Dick North published his theory that Albert Johnson, Arthur Nelson, and John Johnson from North Dakota were one and the same person in his 1989 book "Trackdown". John Johnson did time in San Quentin Prison and Folsom Prison and his physical description is well documented. North traced John Johnson's identity back to Norway. "Johnny Johnson" was born Johan Konrad Jonsen (1898) in Bardu, Northern Norway, north of the Arctic Circle. DNA tests have ruled out the Johnny Johnson theory. The Johnston family of Pictou, Nova Scotia have long believed that Albert Johnson is actually Owen Albert Johnston, a relative who had left Pictou at the beginning of the depression to find work in the United States. The family's last letter from Johnston was posted from Revelstoke, British Columbia early in 1931. They never heard from him again. According to the radio interview a relative was arranging for DNA tests. Previous theories were challenged with the release of Mark Fremmerlid's What Became of Sigvald Anyway book. He proposed too many coincidences to ignore the possibility of Sigvald Pedersen Haaskjold from Norway emerging as Albert Johnson. Sigvald was last known as a highly self-sufficient 32-year-old in 1927, 4½ years before the chase and death of Albert Johnson, who was estimated between 35 and 40 years. Sigvald had become obsessed with the notion that the authorities were still looking for him after evading conscription during the First World War. He had built a fortress-like cabin on Digby Island on the north coast of B.C. before disappearing. This author points out circumstantial evidence for this case. This theory, along with the others tested, was 100 percent excluded through DNA testing. In 2009 a televised exhumation of Johnson's corpse was aired in which DNA comparisons were made to confirm Johnson's identity. A forensic team sponsored by the Discovery Channel exhumed Johnson's body on August 11, 2007 and conducted forensic tests on his remains before re-interring it in an attempt to confirm his true identity conclusively. All candidates tested against were eventually excluded with 100 percent certainty. By analyzing isotopes in Johnson's teeth, it was determined that Johnson was not Canadian but likely grew up in the Corn Belt of midwest America or possibly Scandinavia. It was also reported that he was aged in his 30s when he died. Films and music: -The event has been written about in a song called "The Capture of Albert Johnson," by Wilf Carter; by Stanley G Triggs, in the song "The Mad Trapper Of Rat River", on his 1961 album "Bunkhouse And Forecastle Songs Of The North West" (Smithsonian Folkways Recordings), by Doug Hutton in his 1974 song "Rat River Trapper", and also by Fort Smith, NWT band State of the Art, in their song “River Rat Bluesman” on their 2015 album State of the Earth. -The Mad Trapper, a highly fictionalized film based on these events, was released in 1972, and in 1975 Challenge to Be Free was released. An American production, it relocated the events to Alaska and referred to Johnson's character merely as "Trapper", or in the theme song, "Trapper Man". It portrayed Johnson as a man who lived in peace and harmony with wild animals, similar to Johnny Appleseed and whose initial interference with other traps was due to rival trappers' inhumane techniques. -Another highly fictionalized version of Johnson's story appeared in Charles Bronson's 1981 movie Death Hunt. The film reverses the facts, making Johnson a sympathetic, freedom-loving character and changing RCMP hero Edgar Millen from the young and popular figure that he was into a broken-down, middle-aged alcoholic (played by Lee Marvin) who rather than being shot by Johnson actually leads the pursuit to capture him. Furthermore, bush pilot Wop May is represented as a Royal Canadian Air Force captain, Hank Tucker, who is shot down and killed by the posse after Tucker wildly shoots up members of the posse. -The story is also retold within the song "The Ballad of Trapper John" by Devon Coyote, a Canadian folk rock group based in British Columbia.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Terry Peder Rasmussen

Terrence "Terry" Peder Rasmussen, also known as "The Chameleon killer", or "Bob Evans", was an American serial killer, known for his use of many aliases in a crime spree that spanned decades across many states. He died in prison in 2010 after being convicted in the 2002 murder of his common-law wife in California. He received more media attention after his death when he was announced as the primary suspect in the Bear Brook murders. Early life: Rasmussen was born in 1943 in Denver, Colorado. He grew up and attended school in Arizona. In 1967, he was discharged from the Navy. He married in 1969 and had four children. His family lived in Phoenix, Arizona and Redwood City, California before his wife left him between 1973 and 1974. They last saw Rasmussen around Christmas 1974. Rasmussen lived in a number of states, including: Colorado, Idaho, Virginia, Texas, Oregon, Hawaii and California. He settled in New Hampshire sometime in the late 1970s. The Denver Post reports that he was known to travel with women and children. He often worked as an electrician for oil and gas companies. While living in Manchester, New Hampshire, Rasmussen lived under the alias "Robert 'Bob' Evans" and worked at the Waumbec Mill. A woman named "Elizabeth Evans" was listed as his wife during his time in New Hampshire; this woman has never been identified In the succeeding decades, Rasmussen was arrested for a range of crimes, including DUI, driving without a license and driving a stolen vehicle. He was booked under the aliases Curtis Mayo Kimball, Gordon Jensen, Larry Vanner and Gerry Mockerman. Crimes: By 1978, Rasmussen was dating Marlyse Elizabeth Honeychurch. Honeychurch was last seen on Thanksgiving day that year. After an argument with her family, she left with Rasmussen and her two daughters, 6-year-old Marie Elizabeth Vaughn and 1-year-old Sarah Lynn McWaters. In November 1985, the bodies of Honeychurch and Vaughn were found in a barrel in Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown, New Hampshire. A second barrel was found about 100 yards from the first one in 2000 containing the body of McWaters and a still unidentified child aged between two and four years old. The identities of Honeychurch and her two children were not known until they were confirmed by DNA testing in 2019. Although the third child remains unidentified, authorities were able to confirm through DNA testing that the child was Rasmussen's. While known as Bob Evans, Rasmussen dated Denise Beaudin, who disappeared from Manchester, New Hampshire after Thanksgiving of 1981 with her 6-month-old daughter. Authorities believe that Rasmussen killed Beaudin somewhere in California, although her body has never been found. Beaudin was not reported missing at the time as her family believed she left town due to financial reasons. Rasmussen abandoned her child in 1986 and was sentenced to 18 months in jail for child abandonment. He was paroled in 1990 and subsequently absconded. In June 2002, his common-law wife, chemist Eunsoon Jun, went missing. He was arrested that November and pleaded no contest in 2003 to charges relating to her murder and dismemberment. He was sentenced to 15 years to life in jail. At the time, he had been using the name "Larry Vanner". A fingerprint match confirmed he had previously used the aliases "Gordon Jenson" and "Curtis Kimball". A Contra Costa County detective had connected Vanner to the child abandonment case involving Beaudin's daughter, who believed that Vanner was her father, but DNA evidence found there was no relation. Rasmussen died while imprisoned in 2010. Posthumous findings: Beaudin was reported missing in 2016, when her daughter resurfaced alive and well in California after there was more publicity about the murders and Beaudin's disappearance. Authorities announced that Beaudin's disappearance was linked to the Bear Brook murders on January 26, 2017. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children also announced on January 26 that "Robert Evans" was found through DNA to be the father of the middle child, but that "Robert Evans" was a pseudonym and that the man's legal identity was unknown. Police released a video of a police interview of Evans in June 2017 in hopes of finding his true identity. Two months later, Robert Evans was confirmed to be Rasmussen, through Y-DNA testing from a DNA sample contributed by one of his sons from what is believed to be his first marriage. New Hampshire investigators announced that the identities of Honeychurch, Vaughn and Waters were confirmed through DNA testing in June 2019. The identities of the middle child, which Rasmussen fathered, and her mother remain unknown. Investigators believe that the mother of the child was also killed by Rasmussen. Criminologist Jack Levin has stated that Rasmussen is unlike any serial killer he has ever studied, stating: "What distinguishes Rasmussen from most serial killers, is that he targeted people with whom he had a relationship. Most serial killers would never do that; it's the last thing they would do. Instead, they focus on complete strangers." He has been dubbed "The Chameleon Killer" due to his use of various aliases and his crime spree which stretched across the country. Suspect in other crimes: Rasmussen lived a mile and a half away from 14-year-old Laureen Rahn when she disappeared from Manchester, New Hampshire in 1980. Six weeks later, Denise Daneault, a 23-year-old woman who lived two blocks from the Rahn residence, went missing from a bar in Manchester. Daneault had been living on the same street as Rasmussen. Police and FBI conducted a search in Manchester after receiving an anonymous tip regarding Daneault in November 2017, after Rasmussen was announced as the Bear Brook killer. A second search was conducted in May 2018. At one time authorities had speculated that the adult victim at Bear Brook may have been Elizabeth Lamotte, a New Hampshire teenager who disappeared in 1984 after receiving a furlough from a group home in Manchester. Evans was thought to have a significant other with the same first name. However, DNA from Lamotte's relatives later proved that she was a homicide victim found in Tennessee in 1985, killed about four months after her disappearance.