Monday, October 13, 2014

being offered a seat

i don't mind being offered a seat if i'm tired but on a regular basis (like if i'm not tired or hurt) i don't want all that. i'm find standing. one of my friends is religous and says girls should sit first. i say: age and disability then gender. he agreed. one kid offered me a seat when i injured my leg and another few times when i was tired guys gave me their seat. another time i was tired and a kid gave me the seat. i was like, Nah later maybe. its not the way i was brought up though. i have 3 brothers and it was defend your territory rather than girls first. my friend i went to prom was nervous to sit down next to me. i was all, "do you wanna sit next to me or something?" my dad thought that was stange. as did i. my religous friend said girls no matter where should ask their guy to sit. weird but hey, if that's your thinking go for it.

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