Monday, July 20, 2015

forensic science

Everyone in America is supposed to have the same rights. Even criminals have their bill of rights when they are going on trial. When we are talking about our rights would we be talking about the bill of rights? Yes we are. When we are talking about defendants we also have rights. We have the right to a speedy and fair trial. How long is “speedy”? Speedy is quick enough so the judge doesn’t throw the case out. Are we having what we deserve? The speedy justice does exist and it isn’t exactly a good system. I’m not saying it’s bad but I’m thinking it’s very interesting to the excessive rights we have. What is our right? We are allowed to do certain things. As Danny Tanner put it as long as we aren’t bothering anyone else we can do whatever we want to. We should be able to have our rights we have since we are in the land of the free. We should be able to whatever we like. Kalief Browen, a boy who was charged with stealing a backpack. He was released after staying 3 years in jail without a trial. He was waiting for a trial but the judge decided to release him since there wasn’t a ton of evidence in his case. I would be ok with him staying in jail if that was his sentence. The rights we include a speedy trial, which is obvious since he waited 3 years for his trial. The problem is that we didn’t give him that. We are allotted something’s in our bill of rights. We can have our rights and we are able to go to wear what we want and do what we want within reason. Unfortunately, since we are doing something stupid we are being sexual assaulted since we are wearing something weird and we are allowed to do that. Something we can do within reason is the rights we have. Since we are have freedoms we are allowed to do things that aren’t exactly going to be taken over lightly. How many people are aware you can use your rights even as a kid? I used them to vote for the SGA. Michelle Tanner and her friend Denise used them when they got “ripped off” for a product they bought. Is there truly a person who doesn’t use a right in America? We are allowed to do whatever we want as long as we aren’t bothering anyone. The freedom to assemble means the freedom to riot to a character in the pelican brief. Can we go thru our lives without using our rights? I wouldn’t think so since we use it for SGA, to go to rallies, go to things we want to. So long as we aren’t hurting anyone we can do whatever we want to essentially. IS we doing whatever we want to a part of our lifestyle? What can we do better without trumping on other people’s rights? Can we go thru life without our rights? How young can we be in order to use our rights? Michelle Tanner and Denise Frasier were using their rights when they are young like in elementary school. Speedy trials should exist. Most of the time they do but sometimes they aren’t there since the judge throws the case out. We should have our rights and know them. My teacher says the reason they teach us about our rights is so that way we know them. Something that’s interesting is how the system has rules. We can’t be tried for the same crime twice; we have the right to remain silent and our choice of counsel. The speedy trials are in our “criminals’ bill of rights” since the judge can choose to throw the case out if we don’t have enough evidence. If the judge does throw out the case it IS a right the defendant has. We can’t hold them forever without charging them at least. It’s called habeas corpus which means holding my body. Do we have any right to trump on other people’s rights? No we don’t. As long as we aren’t hurting or bothering anyone else we shouldn’t be able to do the same for others. 2 of my neighbors were at a rally and they were on opposite sides. One became violent about the issue. The other was shocked to learn they were neighbors. Take the gay rights issue. If we are going to trump on their rights than what other rights have we trumped on in the past? Can we trump on others rights without trumping on our own? Think about equal rights. Like for men and women. Can we actually have equal rights? It’s the rule of law stating that we all have the same rights under the law. Our rights are made from a bill of rights. If our rights help making the laws we can’t help ourselves doing what we think is right. Are our laws and rights correct? They should be since they are made to do to be correct. We have rights as a defendant. I mentioned some earlier. We have the right to remain silent. Anything we say can and will be used against you. You the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one the court will appoint you one, are our Miranda rights. We also have rights such as a speedy trial and our choice of counsel. Some of the rights can backfire on some people. Like the public trial right. Take the Trayvon Martian and Caylee Anthony cases. The reason I mention those 2 cases is because they were in the media a lot. The people on trial were guilty in the eyes of the public. Their public trial they had lost but they were found not guilty. The public trial is good and bad especially if they are involving children as a victim. Trayvon Martin and Caylee Anthony cases are 2 good examples of that since we see them as good or bad. If they ARE wrong they won’t answer to us but to a higher power. I’m not religious but I do think they’ll answer to a higher power if they ARE truly guilty. Do we happened to think our criminal justice system is perfect? My stepdad says we have to trust we know what is best for our nation. Tons of people were outraged when Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman were found not guilty. What I find outrageous is that Kalief had to wait nearly 4 years for a trial. Do I support our system in thinking the trials are going to be right all the time? Probably not. Am I going to be outraged when a person’s rights are being trumped on? Absolutely. Everyone should. But just because they SHOULD doesn’t mean they will. Agreeing with something and being right aren’t always synonymous. Like I agree with your decision. You are living your life wrong because you are made perfectly. IS our criminal justice system perfect? I’m not sure everyone will agree. Some say it’s fixed others say it’s ok. If we can agree on 1 thing it’s that we have a criminal justice system.

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