Friday, May 29, 2015


I've never blogged about my back. i have scoliosis. i got diagnosed with the disorder when i was 13 years old right in the middle of my parents divorce. i have tons of complications from it that are as corrected as we can get them. having a bad back meant i had to re-learn a lot of things. i mean i had to be able to live with it. I'm able to: play sports, go up stairs, run, carry things, push and pull things. just because things are difficult doesn't mean they are impossible. that's how i see things. luckily i was able to be in society since my family helped me with a lot of things. i normally modify everything but i can use what i have to my advantage a lot of the time. people with scoliosis also have hypermobility. it means they are extra flexable so they can be better dancers.

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