Monday, May 28, 2018


My mom is trying to get me to join some groups she found online and my dad’s happy I found friends in the LDS church. I don’t mind joining groups outside school and church and stuff but since I’m naturally friendly I make friends very easily. Like I had a cookie and shared with this dude who I didn’t know. That was awesome since I’d made friend that easily. He and I hung out usually by dunkin donuts drinking coffee, talking and occasionally smoking (I sucked the filters). I usually prefer hanging out with people who AREN’T Mormon for a few reasons: they don’t judge me, I don’t feel pressure to express my beliefs and I can “be an example” for those around me. Usually in class I’m not there as a Mormon or a representative OF my church but when it’s not necessary to say what religion I am I don’t. I only mentioned being Mormon a few times since I had the ad for a funny Broadway musical. Some things they believe in I can understand why. Alcohol I don’t like the taste unless it’s super sweet. If I feel like I’d NEED an abortion (like rape, incest or health risk) I’d want 1.

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