Wednesday, September 21, 2022


I'm trying to get back into reading for pleasure. while I do read it was occasionally and not for very long. when I was in the ICU I had some time to read but I couldn't because most were out of arm's reach. I am "devouring" books since i'm super intrested in reading. Plus, since i've gotten the hand issue after my hospitalization i've been unable to get into physical writing due to my dominant hand being hurt. I've been reading like crazy. I've "finished" 3 books and am still "working" on another 3. That's kinda insane with the amount of books I've been reading. That's been helpful since it's "brain food" that i've been reading and has been making me "hunger" for the books i've been wanting to "get thru" since reading that much and "that fast" means my brain is wanting to get thru more of it and kinda getting my brain working for my writing later.

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